Being who YOU really are is the key!
"To change what you do, you first need to change what you think of you." (Craig Groeschel)
That's exactly where I come in. When you work with me, you'll find out what your previous beliefs are that lead to you giving up again and again, not believing in yourself, not living your best life, or not being able to see what your best life actually is.
We then devote ourselves to the task of paving the way back to yourself. You will learn that there is only one self-concept that describes who you truly are: "I AM. I am that I am and that is enough." It includes everything you are and brings you back in your power. Because now you have come home to YOURSELF again and "are carrying your house" FROM THE INSIDE.
You can only see what you are aware of.
Your current circumstances don't matter, no matter where you are at the moment. If you have been used to analyzing yourself and your life, struggling to fix something that seems to be fixed - you let it be as it is! You accept it as one of the infinite number of realities or experiences you can choose from and turn trustingly inwards to observe your desired reality. Because you see everything in your inner world first.
Are you ready to experience who you really are?
Does that sound (grandly) insane? You must be too. Because you are so much bigger and more powerful than you can imagine at the moment.
Through all your experiences, you get to know yourself from different angles, but in the process you always remain healthy and whole. Because you already fulfilled. All your realities, all your experiences, the “good” and the “not so good” make you a whole. Your denial and evaluation of this determines whether you live in fulfillment or in lack. This is the paradigm shift you need to make. Because only then will you be able to manifest the new life that you desire deep down in your soul.
I'll take you to the limit and beyond. Because that's where what you're looking for is waiting - YOUR best life.
I will get everything out of you, ask you uncomfortable questions and show you the way to your answers and your desires. As your mindset coach, I will support you in getting very clear about yourself and YOUR vision and transforming and aligning yourself so that you can realize exactly that.

"Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." (John 5:8)
Through your daily introspection, you will remember who you really are and build a new foundation that will carry you through your whole life. This new approach to your world is not temporary, but becomes your new “lifestyle”. You no longer have to doubt anything or let the outside world stress you out, because you know that everything comes from you and you take responsibility for it. Very soon you will automatically think new and powerful thoughts that will lead to you taking the right steps, embodying your vision and being the hero that plays the leading role in his best life. Because your WHY is YOU!
My coaching will turn your view of the world upside down and change your approach to it forever.
No one else is responsible for whether your business takes off, your book is well received or your career goes through the roof. No one else but YOU is responsible for whether you go on a trip around the world, whether your relationship goes well or whether you find your zest for life. YOU are the only person who can visualize what already exists in your consciousness as a desired reality - that's the only reason you can see it in your mind's eye. But in order to experience it physically, you have to become the person who thinks and acts in exactly the same way.
Are you ready for your best life? Are you ready to go ALL IN for YOU and YOUR vision? Then start your transformation with me now. I look forward to seeing you!
In individual sessions with me you will find the vision of your best life and start to live it.
In coaching I don't use a specific concept, but rather address your individual situation and personality and look at where you stand. In the FAQ (at the very bottom of this page) you will find approaches that I have found helpful for myself and that I will also incorporate into the coaching with you.
You will find your vision and become very clear about the reality you want to experience.
I will teach you the basics of the “Law of Assumption” and conscious manifesting.
By applying this knowledge in everyday life, you will get to know yourself better and feel more and more what mental power you have.
You become calm and serene and now know that YOU have everything under control.
You gain confidence in yourself and your path.
With my help, you will dissolve your limiting beliefs and blockages.
You will find new beliefs that reflect your true image of yourself and match your desired reality.
You will be given tools to help you anchor your true self-concept in your subconscious.
With my help, you will take your first steps into your new life.
You will receive tools that will enable you to recognize the next step on your path at any time, even in challenging situations.
Through my coaching, you will lay the foundation for a completely new way of thinking and your new, intentional and conscious lifestyle.
I coach you in German or English.
The sessions take place online, on site at your home or in a practice rented by me or as a Walk & Talk, depending on your wishes.
The Walk & Talk is a special offer from me and is very popular with clients, as thoughts can flow particularly well during a walk in nature.
Voice Support
The path of transformation can be challenging and demand everything from you. That's why I'm happy to support you between sessions with voice messages if you wish and address your current questions. This way, I can monitor your progress in real time and ensure that you stay focused on your vision.
Emergency Telephone Call
When it comes to leaving your old identity behind, you may feel like giving up. In urgent cases, you can book a phone call with me at short notice. In this call, I will get you back on track so that you can approach the realization of your dreams with renewed motivation and continue to believe in yourself. I will help you find the next step towards your best life.

How can I imagine the coaching process?After you have booked an offer with me, paid for it and sent me a SHORT description of your current challenge by email, I will contact you with a suggested appointment time. At the beginning of our first appointment, we will briefly discuss your situation. We spend the rest of our time finding out what you actually want. I will only talk to you about your past if it will help you move forward, for example if it involves limiting beliefs or if fears are holding you back. Too much focus on the past creates more of what you no longer want. Therefore, the goal of my work with you is to help you gain clarity about yourself and your desired future. The inner focus on what you want, who you are or who you want to be, leads to you experiencing it step by step on the outside. We can meet online via the Zoom program or in person - at your home, in a practice room rented by me or outside during a Walk & Talk. We meet for a walk together in the park, where thoughts and ideas can flow even more easily. Nature also offers great opportunities to connect with life - inside and out. A meditation under a tree or by a river or lake is ideal for this.
How do voice support and emergency calls work?Between sessions, I am happy to support you with voice messages or, in urgent cases, with an emergency phone call. The booking process is the same as for the coaching offers. You book your offer, pay for it and write me a BRIEF message about your request, this time via WhatsApp. I will answer you within 24 hours by voice or I will arrange a time for an emergency phone call with you. The quickest way we can get started is if you send me a screenshot of your transfer. The possible times for an emergency phone call are Monday to Friday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and in exceptional cases and if capacity is available also in the evening between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m.
What is film therapy?Film therapy is a therapeutic approach that facilitates access to your inner experience. Your favorite movie or movies or series that fit your situation contain messages that help you learn more about yourself and your visions. Films and identifying with their heroes can lead you to discover or develop qualities in yourself that give you the courage and power to overcome your fears. I may give you the task of watching a specific film in preparation for the next appointment, or we may watch a particular scene from a suitable film together.
What is writing therapy?Writing therapy is a therapeutic approach that also allows more intensive access to your inner world. When we write, we become aware of the issues that concern us and can process and let go of them more easily. It's not about perfect stories and grammar, but about gaining more clarity about yourself and your desired future. Scripting is a particularly effective method for anchoring new beliefs in your subconscious with the help of affirmations tailored to you. I may give you the task of doing this as inner work between sessions. On my blog you will find further writing therapy offers that you can book additionally: https://thecyclingpoet.com/2023/12/08/workshops/
What is the hero’s journey?We humans have been telling each other stories for thousands of years. These stories tell of adventures we have experienced ourselves. In his decades of research, Joseph Campbell discovered that these stories essentially follow a certain pattern. He called it the hero's journey. There is also a special process for heroines that is more geared towards the challenges of the female gender. However, the processes are often similar. I use both forms in coaching and rely on Joseph Campbell's approaches. You can learn more about this in the documentary "Finding Joe". The hero’s journey is often used as a template to create coherent plots when writing novels or screenplays. This approach has also been used in coaching and therapy for many years and is used to create clarity, motivation and a certain common thread along the path that clients or patients take. Every person is the hero or heroine of their own story. Sometimes this is forgotten due to strokes of fate or experiences in the past, which means that we can no longer perceive our light and our power. The concept of the hero's journey is a wonderful tool that helps you to take control of your life again and, like the hero or heroine, to find the treasure in your own life. So that you can live the best life you can imagine.
What are EFT, meditation and autogenic training?EFT is the abbreviation for Emotion Focused Therapy. It is a technique that involves tapping certain points on the body for a certain period of time, thereby breaking nerve connections that have previously caused you to experience unfavorable emotional reactions in certain situations. For example, if you are triggered by something outside and then fears arise within you. But certain recurring thoughts, based on unhelpful beliefs, can also lead to you feeling uncomfortable again and again and not being able to move forward. Tapping calms you down and is very effective when it comes to anchoring new beliefs. Studies have shown that in certain situations, the use of EFT is more effective than meditation and can produce positive results more quickly. I will show you how you can apply this to yourself at home. meditation is now a very well-known technique for calming the mind and getting to know one's own inner world. By observing thoughts, important insights into inner experiences can be gained. At the same time, meditation can also be used to identify and let go of thoughts that do not serve you. In working with me, you will get to know meditation as a tool that will help you get in touch with your soul and your Higher Self. Because there you will find the answers you have been looking for for so long. You will find out what your deepest desires are, who you really are and who you want to be, regardless of all the labels and names you may have given yourself or that have been attributed to you. Your Higher Self shows you what and how everything is possible and your task is to choose from all these infinite possibilities. Because everything is possible, you are unlimited. Autogenic training is a relaxation method that has a calming effect on the entire body and leads you into a light trance. In this state, you are more closely connected to your subconscious and your inner experience opens up to you, revealing what is going on inside you or receiving what you would like to experience inside in the future. In my work with you, I use autogenic training in conjunction with writing therapy, among other things to facilitate the introduction of affirmations tailored to you. I will show you how you can use this technique at home.
What is manifestation?Manifesting is a term that is appearing more and more frequently and yet there is still too little clarity about it. You have always been manifesting, albeit mostly unconsciously since birth. It is something that you don't actually have to learn. Manifesting means "making visible". It is nothing other than experiencing what you believe and see inside - about yourself, your fellow human beings, your environment, the world itself - in physical form on the outside. You can look at your beliefs and convictions as if in a mirror that gives you clues and conveys messages about you. The outside world is therefore a reflection. Thoughts and assumptions about yourself that you send out through your subconscious are reflected back to you through the behavior of those around you. If you use this law, also called the "Law of Assumption," for yourself, you will see the world with different eyes. You will no longer take everything you experience so personally, but see it as pure information about yourself. In my work with you, I mainly refer to the statements of Neville Goddard. In coaching, you will learn to consciously use this powerful approach to life and remind yourself, step by step, what a powerful being you are. This allows you to create your best life for yourself, or rather you choose it, because everything you want already exists in another reality at this very moment. But since you can only observe one reality with your physical body, you only sense that there must be more than what you are currently experiencing and you usually reject it as too good to be true. However, we know from quantum physics that particles that are constantly observed turn into matter. Everything in our world is energy and consists both in the form of a wave and at the same time of tiny quantum particles, including you. Your conscious, constant mental and visual focus on your desired reality, one potential particle among an infinite number, is what shows you this life in physical form on the outside as your consciousness progresses, so that you can experience it with all your senses. If you would like to delve deeper into this topic in advance, I recommend, among other things, that you read up on the "double slit experiment".