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Living from the inside out

Due to external conditioning and childhood experiences that shaped your concept of yourself, you can't see the forest for the trees anymore? Are you more focused on what others advise you or what is currently in demand? And that is exactly what is causing the conflict you are currently in. You feel separated from yourself and the strength that resides within you. Because every time you focus on the outside, you give away your power. You are more powerful than you can possibly imagine at the moment.

If you are too identified with your body and your thoughts, it is difficult to take a new perspective. But what you really are is consciousness. Therefore, you can also step back from your human existence, observe your thoughts and thus choose and control what you want to think and what experience you want to have with your human body.

Maybe you're saying: That's all well and good. But how do I find my strength and regain my faith in myself? I've tried so many things. But nothing has helped. And then I've always given up.

It's about forgiving yourself for not knowing better and then choosing what you really want. With the new perception of yourself, the new self-concept, you are a new person with new thoughts and new beliefs. You internalize the new image of yourself like an actor who takes on a new role in a new film. The new concept of yourself will show itself to you on the outside step by step as a reflection. You can see it, for example, in the way that the people around you now behave according to your assumptions about you, them and your relationship between you.

This means you take responsibility for your life. You are not a victim of your circumstances, but you create or choose them. Depending on the beliefs that have been anchored in your subconscious since you were seven years old, everything you want already exists. Manifesting means that YOU make something visible on the outside that you believe deep down inside to be true. This happens mostly unconsciously and affects both the good and the less good experiences. This is how our subconscious works. It is neutral and carries out what it is given as an "order". However, how your dominant thoughts really "play out" or manifest depends on your assumptions.

You choose what the role you want to play in the "movie of your best life" looks like. You write the script. If the old character you played in "your previous movie" no longer serves you or you no longer like it, you don't try to "fix" it, you choose a new one that matches your desired reality. It's not about producing a new movie with the old character, but about literally playing a new role, being a new person and internalizing and embodying the experience of that person like actors do. Because you can't experience something completely new from the same level of consciousness if you're still thinking the same thoughts. You don't have to worry about losing yourself in the process, but your consciousness, your soul, chooses what really serves you so that you can let go of your old beliefs.

YOU are what you have been looking for all this time. YOU are the person who wants to have all the experiences, to realize the vision that you have seen again and again in your mind's eye. YOU are the person who has to allow yourself to do this. Has to decide to really believe in your inner power to change things for the better. Has to trust that you can manifest everything you have set out to do. And YOU are the only person who has control over your life. It is about you. So go ahead - you run this sh*t!! ;)



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