In Eva's world ...
Born '75
Two children
Explores the question..."Why do you get up for every morning?"
My world trip and the book on this topic are in planning
Always open to new encounters and experiences
Mental Coach, Systemic Coach, Law of Assumption / Manifestation Coach, Alternative Practitioner for Psychotherapy, Writing Therapist, Film Therapist, Group Leader for Autogenic Training
My previous jobs ... including clothing technical assistant, primary school teacher, production assistant, café owner, bicycle courier (now and then you can still see me whizzing around)
All previous experiences have led me to my why.
My Why
I help you to remember who you really are deep down in your soul and how you can inspire others through your being. So that we can all become more aware of how valuable we are to one another.
With love : Eva
My path
I have already walked the path of transformation several times and have also been more externally oriented when dealing with my challenges, instead of relying on myself, on my inner strength and wisdom and taking responsibility for my life.
Although I have always simply done what I enjoy and have not let myself be restricted by conventions regarding age or social rules, it was only due to external circumstances that I was forced to calm down.
I once again dived deep into my beliefs and explored how they had been imprinted through my experiences. I came across the Law of Assumption and began to educate myself extensively on it. This discovery was a real eye-opener for me and led to an absolute paradigm shift in me and also in my coaching approach.
Through my daily introspection, I have increasingly come to understand who and what I really am. I have realized that I am responsible for all the experiences I have and that they are about getting to know myself as consciousness through this human vessel from all the countless perspectives and realities I can imagine. It's about reminding myself that I have always been, am and always will be limitless and fulfilled. Through this realization, I have truly found my way back to myself and have begun to truly live MY vision and be grateful for it, in every moment.
In this challenging situation, I have learned that it takes mental strength and self-discipline to bring about truly sustainable change. Talking about your current circumstances is important to a certain extent in order to recognize what reality you really want to experience. However, what had created real transformation for me was actively going into anchoring the self-concept and having tools to turn my daily introspection into something I actually look forward to every day because it gives me stability and confidence.
This formula has brought me back to my power and produced visible and tangible results not only for myself but also for my clients in a short space of time. Because it meant that, based on the “true” self-concept, I now never forget who I really am and that I know: circumstances don't matter, I can choose anew at any time from the boundless abundance and love that I am.

Things that make me happy

Inspiring & Surprising
Good conversations, discovering new things, foreign countries and cultures, growing beyond myself, spending time with my children, a good film, finding something I thought was lost
Sensual & Creative
Dark chocolate, birdsong in the morning, good music, writing, imagination, making up stories, singing, the sound of the waves at sea, sand under your feet, a long hug, a smile
Moving & Grounding
Dancing, cycling, boxing, swimming, meditation, lying on the grass, watching clouds, spending time with loved ones, butterflies in the stomach and in the air, thrills, raindrops on the window pane
Training & Further Education
March - May 2024
June 2023
September 2022
September 2020
May 2020 - June 2022
September 2020
September 2019 - 2020
Abundance and Manifestation Coach, Transformation Academy
"Master The Art Of Manifesting", Mindvalley Manifestation Summit
"Language in Psychotherapy" and "Cinema Therapy",
Summer Academy DGVT, Rostock-Warnemünde
"Cinema Therapy", KBAV Bonn
Writing Therapist and Course Leader for Autogenic Training,
IEK Berlin
Healing Practitioner for Psychotherapy, Campus Naturalis Leipzig
MBSR course "Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction",
Practice "Wegzehrung" Leipzig
Systemic Coach and Mental Trainer, Campus Naturalis Leipzig